Jun 15, 2011

The Three Eclipses – Part 2: The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse

The series of three eclipses began with the June 1st Solar Eclipse in Gemini.  The energy of any eclipse is most profound in the days building up to then two weeks following the eclipse, but also may impact the six month period from one eclipse to the next corresponding one.  A full moon/lunar eclipse shines light on what has been in shadow, and this coming Wednesday’s lunar eclipse in Sagittarius shines light on the shadow aspects of that sign. So what Sagittarian things might now be coming to light?  The shadow expression of Sagittarius can show up as an over-developed sense of one’s “rightness,” or in only seeing the big picture while glossing over inconvenient (but important) details. We can fall into one of these common  traps when we forget to pay attention to facts and information. We can paint a picture of reality that fits with what we may want to be the Truth, but is actually only our own spin on a situation.

So, what should we be paying attention to, and where can we get helpful information during this period? The chart for the eclipse features several aspects from Mercury, ruler of Gemini.  Mercury is conjunct the Sun, opposed the Moon, and is moving toward a trine to Neptune.  Mercury is the messenger god, moving swiftly to carry information.  With his trine to Neptune, information may be coming to us via unorthodox means, such as our dreams and flashes of intuition.  Pay attention to odd coincidences and synchronicities, particularly if a particular message seems to be showing up for you multiple times. Look for patterns and listen to what message Mercury might be trying to carry to your ears. In my own life, I’ve had the work of a particular author recommended to me three separate times by three different sources over the past week, for example.  I took action on this message by ordering her books from the library. It is important for us to honor Mercury by taking action on the messages we receive.  If we ignore these messages, discount them, or don’t take action on them because we are “too busy,” we lose the opportunity to participate in the co-creation of our lives.

Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius (and traditional ruler of Pisces), has recently entered Taurus (June 4th,) and makes two harmonious aspects at this eclipse: a trine toPluto  which will be ongoing through early 2012, and a sextile to Neptune, co-ruler of Pisces.  The light side of Jupiter/Sagittarius energy to embrace is hope, faith, and optimism. When we choose optimism, we become open to the adventure and mystery of Life.  The message of the opposition between Sun in Gemini and Moon in Sagittarius at this eclipse period is to balance the two signs within our lives: pay attention to what you are being shown, then use that information to make a Sagittarian leap forward in some area.  Life is as mundane or as magical as we decide to make it – it is all a matter of perception.

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